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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Letting Go of The Ones We Love

I've lost a lot of people in my 28 years. I've been around more death than anyone should experience in a lifetime, both through my own personal experiences and through my work. Around 11pm last night, I lost yet another person I loved. My beloved grandmother passed away. Her death was not unexpected--she'd been going downhill for a few weeks and was on hospice care at the nursing home where I work--but it is still painful. While I am relieved that she is no longer suffering, I miss her. I'm selfish like that.

Grandma lived next door to my whole life, save for a couple of years when I moved to town. Until a few years ago she lived alone, then moved in with my parents when she became unable to care for herself. We have a sort of family compound situation going on here--her house is up the driveway, my parents live in front of me, and my house is the middle. She was like a second mother to me. When I was little, she was the one who took me to the park, to the movies, to friends' houses, picked me up from school, etc. I spent countless hours at her house watching Lawrence Welk and The Golden Girls. Where were my parents? They were around. They're good parents and they understood the need for Grandma and I to have a good relationship.

As I grew older, our relationship dynamic shifted. Being a typical teenager, I grew to resent her concern for my wellbeing. I remember her taking me shopping for my 8th grade graduation dance dress and hearing her yell, "I'm not buying you a damn naked dress!" loud enough that everyone in the store stopped to stare. I was mortified--what in the hell is a naked dress anyway? She didn't want me to wear anything too revealing and apparently anything that didn't have bubble sleeves was, in her mind, too revealing. As an adult, she helped pay for my attorney when we were dealing with the courts after my son died. She also paid for his headstone, a gift for which I will be forever thankful. I wasn't always the nicest of granddaughters and she wasn't always the nicest of grandmothers but we loved each other and when one needed help, the other was there to provide it.

In her later years I became an assistant caregiver to her during her time in my parents home, helping her with bathing and hygiene. Her last few months were spent in the nursing home where I bathed her, fed her, and spent time with her. I'm proud to say that I was able to care for her up until her passing. My only regret is not visiting more often this past week, but I couldn't because R had back surgery on Monday and I needed to be home with him. I did see her yesterday when I went to work to retrieve my paycheck, but couldn't wake her. I know she heard me and knew of my presence--a person can hear until the moment of death even after all other senses have gone. I was there to assistant the man from the funeral home in loading her onto the stretcher and into the hearse. As hard as it was for me to see her like that, I felt I owed it to her.

Good-bye, Grandma. You were a wonderful person and you will not be forgotten.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Parenting FAIL

So S is a naked kid who rarely wears clothing around the house and tries to strip in public. She'll be 3 this month. I can't keep shoes on her in the van unless I want to duct tape them on and I'm thinking that might get CPS called on me so that's out. Today we went to town to get my check, go to the store, etc. and when I got to the gas station she told me she had to pee. Kid has only been PT'd a month or two and you know how it is at that stage--when they say they have to go they mean business.

So I unbuckle her and realize her shoes are missing. What.the.fuck. I dug around for a minute or two before giving up and carried her into the store barefoot. Did I mention there's snow on the ground and it's cold as fuck here? Yeah. A couple of well meaning strangers came up and started making comments like "Poor little baby, where are her shoes?" and "Awe, aren't her little feet cold?" I felt like a raging asshole because I know how it looked. I did explain what had happened but I don't think they believed me because I got THE LOOK. You know the one I'm talking about.

I guess that says something about the state of my van if I couldn't find her shoes. Maybe it's time to clean it out.

Mom Vs. Cave

I was going through my Flickr account and ran across these pictures of Mom taken at Little Scott Cave. They're priceless.


^Mom getting pissed off because I was snapping pictures instead of helping her ^


^Struggling to escape^


^Sweet freedom^

I'm aware that I'm an asshole for posting these but damn, who wouldn't? There's only a 7ft drop with hand and footholds to get down into the cave. I have no idea why she had so much trouble climbing out but it's provided endless entertainment for me. The best part was when she was almost out and somehow her overalls FELL OFF (WTF???) and she go back down after them. I love caving with Mom. It's always a hoot.

Once More With Feeling

I've been a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer since season 3? originally aired. I'm aware that this makes me a dork and I'm cool with that. Since the old man had back surgery on Monday and I'm medical leave to help him out at home, we've been having a Buffy marathon. Right now "Once More With Feeling" is on. I love the shit out of this episode. It has everything--singing demons and vamps, Anya in lingerie, Buffy making her friends feel like assholes for yanking her out of Heaven. There was nothing better on TV before and there hasn't been anything better since.

We were supposed to see this at the Tivoli in St. Louis a few years ago but the bastards cancelled. I'll never get over being pissed about that.

Once More With Feeling

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Security Tool

Security Tool is a virus/rogue anti-spyware program that I had the absolute joy of discovering on my computer several hours ago. This bastard likes to shut down your anti-virus programs, continuosly pops up trying to persuade you purchase the full version(don't do it! SCAM!!!), and tells you that your computer is infected with tons of very.bad.shit. Do not, under any circumstances, remove the files it says are infected. You need them to run your system.

After dicking around with this fucker for, I don't know, 2 hours maybe trying to remove it in Safe Mode with Networking using my Avast, Windows Defender, and manual attempts, I stumbled across my savior. Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is the shit. Took Security Tool of my PC in less than 15 minutes. If you ever have the misfortune of getting infected by Security Tool, download this baby. You can run the trial for free and it's only $24.95 to buy and keep from getting re-infected. I would have it's babies if I could--I love it THAT much.

To get it to work, you need to be in Safe Mode with Networking. If you're not, you're fucked because Security Tools won't let you download the Anti-Malware. MAKE SURE YOU'RE IN SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING.


^ Satan in computer virus form ^


^ The Savior ^

Apple Walnut Chicken Salad

I made an apple walnut chicken salad for dinner tonight and I must say it was delicious. My whole family agreed, even the kids. Do you have any idea how rare it is for all of us to agree that something tastes good? The stars must have been in alignment or something.


Here's the recipe:

Half of one bunch of romaine lettuce
1/3 cup shredded mild cheddar
1/3 cup shredded mozzarella
1/3 cup shelled walnuts
3 michigan apples
4 chicken thighs
Red raspberry vinaigrette dressing
3 baby carrots

Wash lettuce and cut into salad-y type pieces. Grate carrots with a peeler. Sprinkle chicken thighs with salt & pepper and grill until done. Core apples and slice into fourths, then cut eat fourth in half. Throw everything together in a bowl and eat. Yum.

Weird Alligator/Crocodile Formation

I was in Lone Hill the other day, sitting on top of the pile of breakdown in the breakdown room, when I noticed this formation on the side of the huge stalagmite in front of me. Check this bastard out. Looks just like an alligator or crocodile, doesn't it? Or maybe I'm just seeing things again...
