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Friday, January 8, 2010

Parenting FAIL

So S is a naked kid who rarely wears clothing around the house and tries to strip in public. She'll be 3 this month. I can't keep shoes on her in the van unless I want to duct tape them on and I'm thinking that might get CPS called on me so that's out. Today we went to town to get my check, go to the store, etc. and when I got to the gas station she told me she had to pee. Kid has only been PT'd a month or two and you know how it is at that stage--when they say they have to go they mean business.

So I unbuckle her and realize her shoes are missing. What.the.fuck. I dug around for a minute or two before giving up and carried her into the store barefoot. Did I mention there's snow on the ground and it's cold as fuck here? Yeah. A couple of well meaning strangers came up and started making comments like "Poor little baby, where are her shoes?" and "Awe, aren't her little feet cold?" I felt like a raging asshole because I know how it looked. I did explain what had happened but I don't think they believed me because I got THE LOOK. You know the one I'm talking about.

I guess that says something about the state of my van if I couldn't find her shoes. Maybe it's time to clean it out.

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